Update to LinkProtect to help secure Gateway against attacks leveraging Adobe InDesign
by Barracuda Networks
Barracuda security researchers are warning of a recent surge in phishing attacks leveraging Adobe InDesign, a known and trusted document publishing system. Some of the attacks are targeted. Barracuda Email Protection includes a linktimestamp1695135694793
Introducing the Enhanced End User Interface with Advanced Authentication
by Barracuda Networks
We’re gradually rolling out the new user interface for end users. To fully embrace the enhanced security features of our new user interface, the admin on the account is requested to review and accept app permissions from Microsoft whentimestamp1682030036057
Temporary Passcode Authentication
by Barracuda Networks
On March 31, 2023, the Email Gateway Defense (EGD) team published an update that disabled auto-authentication for end users from quarantine email digests. End users are now required to authenticate before they can view their account andtimestamp1680570696081
Update to End User Authentication
by Barracuda Networks
As of Friday, March 31, 2023, the Email Gateway Defense (EGD) team published an update that disabled auto-authentication for end users from quarantine email digests. End users will now be required to authenticate before they can view theirtimestamp1638807896544
NEW! Email Protection SaaS Plans
by Barracuda Networks
They’re here! We are excited to announce the general availability of our new email protection plans. As part of our mission to provide innovative security products that are easy to buy, deploy, and use, our new plans are designed to bettertimestamp1592231460001
Require login credentials to access quarantined messages
by Barracuda Networks
The Barracuda Email Security Service sends quarantine notification emails with links to view quarantined messages. You now have the option to require your users to enter their account credentials to view their quarantined messages. When...timestamp1587426720001
UPDATE - Deprecation enforcement of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 postponed to a later date
by Barracuda Networks
On January 9, 2020, we had posted a notice that ESS would be dropping support for TLS v1.0 and v1.1 on June 1 of this year. Due to the current world crisis, we have temporarily halted the deprecation enforcement of TLS 1.0 and 1.1. This...timestamp1576608780001
Search for Messages Across All Domains at a Time
by Barracuda Networks
In the Message Log, you can now search for messages across all the domains in your account, at a time. Earlier, if you had more than ten domains in your account, you could only search for messages, one domain at a time. You can still...
New location for buttons for reporting Spam and not spam
by Barracuda Networks
We are working on a process to provide more feedback on why an email was allowed or blocked in our User Interface (UI). As a first step in that direction we have moved the location of buttons used to report Spam and Not Spam. The new...